Concise, critical reviews of books, exhibitions, and projects in all areas and periods of art history and visual studies

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Sarah Lewis
Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, 2024. 400 pp. Hardcover $35.00 (9780674238343)
Editor’s Note: Following author Sarah Lewis’s decision to decapitalize the word "black,” this review retains the lowercase when referring to the racial category/ethnic group.                                                                  ********** In A Companion to American Art, published by Blackwell in 2015, I surveyed how scholars of American art had been approaching the critical study of race and visual representation since the late twentieth century. At the time, those approaches included either foregrounding or decentering race in interpretations of the work of black artists; speaking about race in relation to a broader range of (especially white-produced) artistic production; and even imagining “post-racial” art and art… Full Review
March 24, 2025
Kristin Love Huffman, ed.
Durham, NC: Duke University Press, 2024. 456 pp.; 80 color ills. Paperback $31.95 (9781478019176)
Few images, if any, are as iconic—even synecdochic—of life, culture, and politics in Renaissance Venice than Jacopo de’ Barbari’s monumental View of Venice. The Italian artist’s six-sheet woodblock print showcasing a bird’s-eye-view of the city and its lagoon was produced circa 1497–1500 with the support of the German publisher Anton Kolb. It stood as the largest print produced in Europe at the time (1.35 × 2.75 meters) whose magnitude and inventiveness were recognized by the Venetian government’s granting to Kolb of one of the earliest known copyright permissions for a printed image. Marveled by commentators since its inception for… Full Review
March 19, 2025
Gloria Jane Bell
Durham, NC: Duke University Press, 2024. 264 pp.; 16 color ills. Paperback $26.95 (9781478030881)
In Eternal Sovereigns: Indigenous Artists, Activists, and Travelers Reframing Rome, Gloria Jane Bell considers Indigenous cultural belongings held in Vatican Museums collections. As she turns attention to the stories they tell—and the Vatican’s efforts to silence them—she locates these possessions within a long history of Indigenous travelers with creative ties to Rome. The book traces these ties through discussions of prominent Indigenous artists, stolen Indigenous artworks, and the mobile, tenacious sovereignty they have maintained in the face of papal dominance. Bridging multiple disciplines including art history, material studies, and archival studies, Eternal Sovereigns suggests a “new, entangled, and unsettling”… Full Review
March 17, 2025
Irene V. Small
Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press, 2024. 448 pp.; 237 color ills. Hardcover $42.00 (9781890951993)
The Organic Line: Toward a Topology of Modernism, by Irene V. Small, has the ambition and potential to become a classic. Its starting point is the inflection forged by the work of Lygia Clark on the history of modernism, and its guiding thread is the discovery of the “organic line” in the mid-1950s. This line, which appears wherever two monochromatic planes juxtaposed on the same surface meet, transforms void into breath. Its discovery opened a whole realm of artistic possibilities, which Clark unfolded in her extensive experimentations. What this book explores are the countless reverberations of this organic line. … Full Review
March 12, 2025
Kency Cornejo
Durham: Duke University Press, 2024. 304 pp.; 91 color ills. Paperback $28.95 (9781478030546 )
In Visual Disobedience: Art and Decoloniality in Central America, Kency Cornejo surveys contemporary political art in Central American countries. The book includes analyses of forty artists and more than eighty works, underscoring the abundance and diversity of artistic experimentation in the region. The author reads these pieces through her concept of “visual disobedience,” a decolonial mode of resistance that posits art as a direct intervention in a specific sociopolitical reality. For Cornejo, these works embody a sensorial practice where the tactile, auditory, and visual coexist and are fundamentally motivated by love for the “damnés,”—the condemned, as put… Full Review
March 10, 2025
Isabelle Tillerot
Trans Chris Miller Getty Museum Store, 2024. 272 pp.; 46 color ills.; 101 b/w ills. Paperback $70.00 (9781606067970)
The intriguing title of Isabelle Tillerot’s monograph both piques curiosity and encapsulates the thesis that its text develops in detail. Deploying astute observations and subtle insight, this study follows the evolution of room decoration in seventeenth and eighteenth-century European, principally French royal and aristocratic dwellings. Its focus is on the close relationship between the ornamental designs of these spaces and the paintings embedded within them, projects that required the joint efforts of artists and artisans of varied specializations and status. Ultimately it asserts that the full flowering of rocaille—the author rejects the nineteenth-century term “rococo”—decor coincides with the adoption of… Full Review
March 5, 2025
Chang Tan
Ithaca, NY: Cornell University Press, 2024. 224 pp.; 28 color ills.; 29 b/w ills. Hardcover $46.95 (9781501773181)
Jennifer Dorothy Lee
1st edition . Oakland, CA: University of California Press, 2024. 208 pp.; 31 color ills. Hardcover $85.00 (9780520393783)
Joining a growing number of publications that have sought to reexamine China’s socialist legacy, two new books examine the ways in which contemporary art practice and discourse reengaged the social and political commitments of the Maoist period (1949–76). Jennifer Lee’s Anxiety Aesthetics: Maoist Legacies in China, 1978–1985 focuses on the roughly eight years immediately following the end of the Cultural Revolution (1966–76) to examine how artists and intellectuals reconfigured socialist aesthetics for the post-Mao era. In The Minjian Avant-Garde: Art of the Crowd in Contemporary China, Chang Tan looks to a later moment in the 1990s and early 2000s… Full Review
March 3, 2025
Michele Matteini
Seattle: University of Washington Press, 2023. 248 pp.; 68 color ills.; 27 b/w ills. Hardcover $65.00 (9780295750958)
Michele Matteini’s The Ghost in the City: Luo Ping and the Craft of Painting in Eighteenth-Century China offers insight on the eighteenth-century artist Luo Ping’s (1733­–1799) position in the history of painting in China and sheds light on the intricate relationship between artist and patron. Known as one of the “Eight Eccentrics of Yangzhou,” Luo is primarily recognized for his unusual paintings of ghosts and his activities in the commercial city of Yangzhou. Luo Ping was introduced to audiences in Europe and the US through a 2009 exhibition that traveled between Museum Rietberg and the Metropolitan Museum of Art, and… Full Review
February 26, 2025
Arisa Yamaguchi
1st Edition. Routledge, 2023. 184 pp.; 20 color ills.; 47 b/w ills. Hardcover $152.00 (9781032368719)
Sartorial Japonisme and the Experience of Kimonos in Britain, 1865—1914, explores the experience of kimono in Victorian and Edwardian Britain. Through the medium of painting, theatre, performance, dress, department stores, postcards, and drag, it examines the design, construction, dissemination, and reception of kimono as garments situated as a sartorial medium in the critical discourse of Japonisme. Approaching kimono as a unique space of transformation, the book includes the everyday experiences of kimono in Britain and of those people and spaces previously ignored or overlooked. Researched and written by Arisa Yamaguchi, assistant professor at the University of Tsukuba, it draws… Full Review
February 5, 2025
Mark William Hauser and Julia Jong Haines, eds.
Gainesville: University Press of Florida, 2023. 350 pp. Hardcover $90.00 (9780813069845)
The Archaeology of Modern Worlds in the Indian Ocean is a collection of historical archaeological studies from various places around the Indian Ocean World. By bringing together specialists in Indian Ocean historical archaeology, the editors, Mark William Hauser and Julia Jong Haines, create space for us to see the long histories of connections, networks, exchanges, and globalization that have created the Indian Ocean World. They make a strong case for an Indian Ocean-centered historical archaeology of the region. This framework and the chapters that act as evidence for its effectiveness are presented as a corrective to the overrepresentation of the… Full Review
February 3, 2025