Concise, critical reviews of books, exhibitions, and projects in all areas and periods of art history and visual studies

Patronage, Art Collecting
Dissertations in Progress by Subject, 2017

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Ben, Rebecca, “The Arrival of the Leonardeschi in Valencia” (Princeton, T. da Costa Kaufmann)

Brown, Marlise, “The Markgräfin's Two Bodies: The Architecture and Performance of Wilhelmine's Bayreuth” (Temple University, T. Cooper)

Christensen, Theresa Kutasz, “Regina Christina Antiquario: Queen Christina of Sweden’s Development of a Classical Persona Through Allegory and Antiquarian Collecting” (The Pennsylvania State University, R. Thomas)

Courcoula, Alexandra, “The Benaki Collection c. 1920 - 1954: Negotiating Greek Identity” (MIT, N. Rabbat)

Dodds, Lauren, “Collecting the Renaissance: The Samuel H. Kress Collection of Italian Art” (University of Southern California, K. Flint)

Flanagan, Katherine, “Melanesian Decorated Human Remains: Indigenous Display, Colonial Collecting, and Contemporary Exhibitions” (Penn State, W. Dewey)

Gilmore, Shannon, “Miracles at the Margins: The Popular Piety of Miraculous Images in Quattrocento Tuscany” (University of California, Santa Barbara, R. Williams)

Gleeson, Maura, “Between the Public and Private: The Artistic Networks, Friendships, and Self-Fashioning of Hortense de Beauharnais Bonaparte” (University of Florida, M. Hyde)

Koltiska, Katherine, “The Politics of Culture and Taste in Cleveland, 1876–1930” (Penn State, A. Thomas)

Lake-Jedzinak, Justinne, “Collecting Portraits of Early Christian Virgin Martyrs in Seicento Naples” (Bryn Mawr College, D. Cast)

Lortie, Marie, “Afrique en Créations: Transnational patronage in the Francophonie 1990-2011” (University of Toronto, E. Harney)

McCabe, Sophia Quach, “Hans Rottenhammer in Venice: Networking in Style between Italy and Germany” (University of California, Santa Barbara, R. Williams)

Play, Caitlin, “Grand-Duke Francesco de' Medici as Renaissance Emperor: Construction of Ruler Imagery in the Grotta Grande and the Uffizi Tribuna” (Rutgers University, Sarah Blake McHam)

Powell, Catherine, “Cross-pollination: Agnes Block and her network of female botanical artists in the late Dutch Golden Age” (University of Texas at Austin, J. Chipps Smith)

Richardson, Jamie, “Curiosity and Collection Practice in the Constcamer Paintings of Frans II Francken (1581-1642)” (Bryn Mawr College, C. Hertel)

Szalay, Gabriella, “Materializing the Past: The History of Art and Natural History in Germany, 1750-1800” (Columbia University, K. Moxey)

Ziolkowski, Aaron, “Cold War Era Corporate Commissioned Abstraction in Semi Public Spaces” (Penn State, S. Rich)